You can start your walking tour throughout London city from here.
During summer months of May-August, it is held everyday from 11am, and some other months will be on alternate days. But you will still need to check online at www.changing-the-guard.com because sometimes they cancel it depending on the weather.
You have to be there at least an hour before it starts as it gets too crowded and you’ll lose the chance to get a nicer view. St.James Park is the closest tube station to the Palace, then just follow the signs leading to it.
We positioned ourselves at the left side if you are facing the palace, this is where the guards goes out, we may not see it from front view but we will see all the guards participating in the changing. Whilst waiting, Laurie shared some brief history of Great Britain, the Queen and what he knows about the guards and their Bearskin.
It is the guard’s furry hat , he said it is really heavy and some are very old and passed down in the family. He also said sometimes if it’s too hot, some guards just collapse because these hats are meant for cold weather

After the changing, we started walking towards St. James Park where I was able to take my photo with the entire Buckingham without drowning with the huge crowd. Then upon reaching the St. James Palace, we saw 2 palace guards just standing there! I was just too shy to take pictures with them, but I think it’s ok for them, they don’t move anyway hehe.